Each year, your contribution helps PFLAG Skagit provide resources and support to our LGBTQI+ community and their families and friends in our region and across the state! Our ability to make a difference is limited only by our resources – we need you with us to help strengthen and expand PFLAG’s unique programs of support, education and advocacy.
- Individual membership: $30.00
- Household membership: $40.00
- Scholarships may be available to reduce or waive membership fee. Inquire at
As part of your membership, you can receive our quarterly newsletter which has lots of useful information about what our chapter is doing as well as other valuable resources. Just choose “subscribe to our newsletter” down below.
We send $15.00 of your membership to our National Organization. This gives you access to information from National regarding LGBTQ+ activities across the nation. They also offer excellent webinars. And loads of resources.